GM Irina Krush will be playing the IM Norm Tournament. Irina has been 7 times the US Women’s Champion and is the only woman that has achieved the GM title in the US.
Berkeley Chess School 2019 Summer IM Norm Tournament
For Women!
Berkeley Chess School presents the International Master Norm Tournament (16th-20th August). A Women’s only IM norm tournament which is very special and unique. Only the US Women’s Championship in 2016, 2017, 2018, and Cairns Cup 2019 ( GM norm possible) has been able to accomplish this as far as we know.
In the world there are only 107 women that have achieved the International Master title and 27 that have accomplished the Grand Master title. In the US there are only 4 women that have achieved the International Master title and only one woman has achieved the highest title in chess: Grand Master. The only woman with a GM title in the US is Irina Krush. It is an honor to have her visiting Berkeley and playing in our tournament.
True to its mission to support women in chess, Berkeley Chess School decided to organize this event in order to give the opportunity to women to compete for an IM norm, WGM norm or WIM norm.
Watch our official video presentation.
Where: Berkeley Chess School
2622 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702
When: IM Section: Friday, August 16 – Tuesday, August 20th, 2019
9 Rounds; Round Robin Format
IM Group USCF + FIDE Rated
Time Control: G/90; Increment 30 sec
Sofia rules will apply
To watch live games online: IM Section
IM Section Pairings Standings
Opening Ceremony: Friday, August 16th, 2019; 6:30PM
Round 1: Friday, August 16th, 2019; 7:00PM
Round 2: Saturday, August 17th, 2019; 12:00PM
Round 3: Saturday, August 17th, 2019; 6:00PM
Round 4: Sunday, August 18th, 2019; 12:00PM
Round 5: Sunday, August 18th, 2019; 6:00PM
Round 6: Monday, August 19th, 2019; 12:00PM
Round 7: Monday, August 19th, 2019; 6:00PM
Round 8: Tuesday, August 20th, 2019; 11:00AM
Round 9: Tuesday, August 20th, 2019; 5:00PM
Entry Fee:
$500 for IM norm seekers
$250 for foreign IM norm seekers
Send an email to tournaments@berkeleychessschool.com to confirm your rating eligibility.
Pay online here!
IM section: 1st: $1,000, 2nd: $500, 3rd: $250
$200 for best game! Generously donated by Norcal House of Chess!
our expert panel of commentators will decide best game.
IM Section
GM Irina Krush (USA) 2417 (Confirmed)
IM Lisandra Teresa Ordaz Valdes (CUB) 2393 (Confirmed)
IM Carolina Lujan (ARG) 2352 (Confirmed)
WGM Annie Wang (USA) 2321 (Confirmed)
WIM Agnieszka Matras-Clement (CAN) 2260 (Confirmed)
WGM Yuleisy Hernandez Moya (CUB) 2199 (Confirmed)
WGM Anjelina Belakovskaia (USA) 2191 (Confirmed)
WIM Thalia Cervantes(USA) 2118 (Confirmed)
WFM Uyanga Byambaa (MGL) 2114 (Confirmed)
Saikhanchimeg Tsogtsaikhan (MGL) 2011 (Confirmed)
WGM Carla Heredia (ECU) 2117 (Alternate)
Tournament Rating average 2237.6
Scores for norms are 7/9 points for an IM norm, 6.5/9 for WGM norm, and 4.5/9 for WIM norm.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact us:
Chief Tournament Director: Fide Arbiter Bryon Doyle