Monthly BCS Cash Quads!

/, Youth Tournament/Monthly BCS Cash Quads!
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Hand Sanitizer will be offered.  No food in the Tournament hall.

Players will be divided into groups of 4 by rating, or, if no rating, then by Age.
First place in each group will Receive $80! (winner take all!)
3 rounds Total. Rounds are

1pm, Round 2 as soon as round 1 finishes, Round 3 as soon as Round 2 finishes

G/30 with a 15 second increment

All Tournament players must be USCF members.

Boards, Sets, and Clocks will be provided by BCS

BCS Cash Quads October 12th              EXPRESS REGISTRATION

BCS Cash Quads November 9th          EXPRESS REGISTRATION

BCS Cash Quads December 14th          EXPRESS REGISTRATION