The Berkeley Chess School offers a Wednesday evening advanced chess class in Piedmont from 5:30 to 7:00pm every week.
The format will be a half hour lecture by instructor Stephen Shaughnessy, followed by a USCF-rated tournament game with a time control of G25/d5 (meaning each player has 25 minutes to complete their moves plus 5 extra seconds per move). All ages welcome, although the lectures will be geared towards experienced players of strength 500-1500 USCF.
Stephen Shaughnessy has taught chess classes in Piedmont schools for over a decade and has created this class to allow Piedmont residents a place to play rated games and expand their chess skills. Prizes for each Six-week tournament will be determined by how many people participate. Children and adults are welcome to enroll in this class.
Piedmont Wednesday Spring 1, 2025
February 26 – April 2 (6 weeks)
5:30pm -7:00pm $150.00 Early Bird 6 week session
Piedmont Wednesday Spring 2, 2025
April 16 – May 28 (7 weeks)
5:30pm -7:00pm $175.00 Early Bird 7 week session