2018 CalChess Labor Day State Championship flyer
The BCS Quads attracted 21 players to the Berkeley Chess School July 7, directed by Bryon Doyle. Trophies were awarded to these quad winners: Q1 Maxim Tarima Q2 Sebastian Heredia-Zulaica Q3 Alexander Tarima Q3 Benjamin James Flitcroft Q3 Owen Michael Cassidy Q4 Saahil Bakhru Q5 D’Angelo T. Romero Q5 Owen Johnson A game in Quad [...]
NM Bryon Doyle and Class B players Timothy Werby and Sos Hakobyan each scored 3-1 to share 1st-3rd place at the BCS G/45 June 30 at The Berkeley Chess School. Doyle directed eight players in the open G/45, and six in the blitz tournament following, where he won again with 5-1, tied with NM Michael [...]