The BCS Quads attracted 21 players to the Berkeley Chess School July 7, directed by Bryon Doyle. Trophies were awarded to these quad winners:
Q1 Maxim Tarima
Q2 Sebastian Heredia-Zulaica
Q3 Alexander Tarima
Q3 Benjamin James Flitcroft
Q3 Owen Michael Cassidy
Q4 Saahil Bakhru
Q5 D’Angelo T. Romero
Q5 Owen Johnson
A game in Quad 4 might have demonstrated the theory of “pawn islands” (an isolated pawn or isolated group of pawns): The fewer pawn islands the better because isolated pawns have no friendly neighbors, and the king can’t guard everyone. Black to play has two pawn islands to four, and a potential passed pawn on the e-file:
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