Monthly Archives: February 2019


Great competition at the Berkeley Quads!

Feb 16th we held our Monthly Quads in Berkeley with 32 participants Quad 1 was won by the top seed Tobias Stowell with a perfect 3/3 Best game was won by Yasmine Waharte. There is a famous trap in the Kings Gambit that goes 1)e4 e5 2)f4 Bc5 3)fxe5?? Qh5! and game over Black wins. [...]

February 20th, 2019|Blog, News|0 Comments

Record Turnout for San Ramon Quad!

82 players competed in our San Ramon Quad last Saturday, February 2nd, beating our previous record of 79 players! The weather was threatening, but generally stayed dry. There was even a huge rainbow! As usual at these tournaments, the competition was fierce. Each player played three games against others of similar rating. After each game [...]

February 7th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

January news and digest

"Glasscoe Pairings" to be used in February BCS WeekenderA variant of the Swiss System pairing algorithm will be used at the monthly BCS Weekender Feb. 8-10. The change was introduced by long-time Berkeley Chess Club director Alan Glasscoe in 1991. Typically within a group of players sharing the same score, the group is sorted by [...]

February 7th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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