40 players haunted the Berkeley Chess School playing hall Oct, 27 for the Spooky Swiss, directed by Bryon Doyle.


1  Tobias Stowell  4
2-4  Elias Ross  3
2-4  Ethan Rapuano  3
2-4  James Lin  3
5-7  Sam Reynolds  2.5
5-7  Sam Reynolds  2.5
5-7  Sadhana Arivo  >2.5

Under 800
1  Kyle Cambra  3.5
2-4  Christopher Bei  3
2-4  rhianna jane lope  3
2-4  Joseph Kim Fitzgerald  2.5
5  Jacob Gould  2.5

Under 400
1  Justin Wu  3.5
2  Aradhana Arivoli  3
3  Abigail Ariunbold  2.5
4-5  Stephane Dragusonu  2
  4-5  DarioBanuelos  2


Our next scholastic tournament is the Middle School Championship Nov. 17!

Black had the opportunity for an unusual exchange sacrifice in a B+B v. R ending:

1 … Rxc4! 2 bxc4 b3 3 Bd4
Both kings must move into the “squares of the pawns”, and if the white king goes after the b-pawn, the bishop can’t handle the kingside.
3…Kg6 4 Kf2 f4 5 Ke2 h5 6 Kd2 h4 7 Kc3 h3 8 Bg1 g4 9 fxg4 f3 0-1